Halifax, Nova Scotia - Department for Women and Gender Equality
The Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister of International Development and Minister for Women and Gender Equality, announced the Government of Canada is investing $2.4 million in seven organizations and Indigenous organizations serving women across Nova Scotia.
Alice House was one of the seven projects selected for federal funding. Funding amount for $75,728.
"Intimate partner violence is an issue that requires resources, services and support that can be offered with continuity and confidence. Funding our services has always presented us with a challenge but with this new funding model provided by the federal government, we now have the financial resources to re-evaluate our programs and our data so we can plan for the future and produce a strategy that reflects the challenges and the changes we see in our society," Heather Byrne, Executive Director, Alice House, Second Stage Housing Association of Dartmouth.
A HUGE congratulations to the other Nova Scotian organizations that received funding including: Be the Peace Institute, Federation des femmes acadiennes de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, Immigrant Migrant Women's Association of Halifax, Nova Scotia Native Women's Association, Transition House Association of Nova Scotia, and the United African Canadian Women's Association of Nova Scotia.
"With this historic investment, we recognize the women and women's organizations breaking through barriers and express our gratitude to those who have been doing this work for decades on a shoestring budget. The women's movement across Canada has been asking for a reliable, predictable and accessible source of funds to ensure the sustainability of their work. Our government listened.
With this stable and flexible funding, we are helping organizations in Nova Scotia grow and endure, because we know that investing in women's organizations is the most effective way to advance gender equality. By supporting a movement that has achieved amazing results, we are growing the middle class, strengthening families and communities, and creating lasting change that benefits everyone." The Honourable Maryam Monsef, P.C., M.P., Minister of International Development and Minister for Women and Gender Equality.
Government of Canada announces investment in women’s organizations in Nova Scotia