Healing Hearts Youth Education Program
Healing Hearts is designed to build language and critical thinking skills surrounding respectful relationships with youth ages 14-15. Alice House aims to disrupt the cycle of intimate partner violence by explaining to youth the difference between a healthy and unhealthy relationship. Workshops and presentations about different topics are offered at various times during the year. The key objective is for grade 9 students to be able to communicate control techniques in abusive relationships, and how to seek and show respect in their own relationships.
Youth participants are encouraged to:
- See the red flags of control in a dating relationship.
- Understand control (lack of choice) as violence.
- Communicate 3 control techniques that they may see used in a disrespectful dating relationship and 3 ways that a person should show respect in a dating relationship.
- Think about and define supports they will talk to if they see the red flags of control in their own relationships or in those of their friends, peers, or family.
To schedule a Healing Hearts Program presentation, contact us: education@alicehouse.ca