Alice on the Go Intake Form

What do you want the facilitator and other participants to call you?
Which of the following best describes you?
Choose all that apply.
Number of children under the age of 18.
If you are unsure or would like to discuss your situations further, please contact the Alice on the Go facilitator. She can provide you with safety planning and further supports if needed. This can be given by verbal consent, please select ‘Other’.
Check all that apply.
All components of the Alice on the Go program are confidential. In general, this means that no information is released to individuals outside the Alice on the Go program without the individual’s consent. Understand that for safety of all participants and facilitators, that any information that is shared with you must be kept in confidence while participating in the Alice on the program. This includes information such as individual’s names, number of children, addresses, and any other information that could identify the individual or breach their privacy. Understand that this information is not to be shared with anyone. By signing below, you give permission for my personal information, including any relevant Personal Health Information and Legal Information that may impact housing needs, to be collected by agencies in the Housing & Homelessness Service System and entered into the HIFIS and/ or BNL databases.  I have read and understand the level of confidentially needed to participate in the Alice on the Go program and agree to maintain confidentiality.
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