This year, I am navigating motherhood differently as a newly single parent, but I am not alone thanks to the support and safe-housing provided to me through Alice House.
I arrived at Alice House with my toddler, having left a nearby women’s shelter. This was my third time leaving my abusive partner and seeking refuge. As you know, there are very few affordable housing options in Nova Scotia right now, and even fewer that can accommodate a mom with no credit history, no references, no damage deposit and no time to wait.
Before Alice House, I’ve left shelter only to be faced with the decision of going back to an abusive home or taking my child to a tent and risking my custody and her safety.
This time we got lucky when a unit was available at Alice House.
When we first arrived, we were without a bed or any furniture, and we had no funds to stock our cupboards, replace worn-out toys and clothes for my little one, or even cover the cost of traveling to community agencies to collect charitable donations. I wasn’t sure what we were going to do about those issues, but I knew even if we only had a warm house and a floor to sleep on, we’d be ok.
To my surprise, upon arriving in my new apartment, I found a welcome card and a care package waiting for me. This simple gesture, though small, turned out to be just the beginning of the support I would receive. At that moment, I didn’t realize it, but it gave me hope that this time might be different.
This time, I might be safe... and I cried tears of relief and joy that places like this exist.
It’s been a few weeks since we arrived, and my daughter is already benefiting from early childhood support, which is crucial for her healthy development and our bond. I’m also learning essential life skills, such as budgeting and navigating the bus system, as well as how to recognize and cultivate healthy relationships. This is just the beginning of our journey, and I’m excited to see where it takes us.
For now, we’re just taking it one day at a time.
My story is representative of the countless women and children who survive domestic violence and other forms of gender-based violence every day.
I’ve learned since coming to Alice House that many women, like me, try to leave their partners and have no place to go. Or, like me, find a place to go, and don’t have the financial stability to sustain their newfound independence.
Many of us currently staying at Alice House are mothers. I’ve had the opportunity to meet women with as many as four children, ranging from newborns to older teens, their support has become a crucial safety net for me. We meet formally with counselors once a week for Mother’s Support Group, but we also take turns hosting drop-in teas in our kitchens, and sometimes even in the hallway of our apartment. We chat about our journeys and our kids while we watch them play and adjust to our new lives.
We need this place.
And Alice House needs your support to keep helping us.
On behalf of Alice House, and in the spirit of Mother’s Day, please consider a donation in support of women and mothers who are learning to create safety, healing, and peace for themselves and their children.
Your gift helps break the cycle of violence, fostering healthy relationships and a safer world for our children.
With gratitude,
A mother thankful for finding healing and nurturing a healthy, growing toddler.
Donations are also accepted through:
- Canadahelps.org
- United Way - donate to Alice House by calling 902-422-1501 and reciting our charitable tax number: 11929-8693 RR0001
- Cheques can be sent to: P.O. Box 333 Station Main, Dartmouth N.S. B2Y 3Y5
Please note: Tax receipts are issued after payment is received.