
I am a mother.

This year, I am navigating motherhood differently as a newly single parent, but I am not alone thanks to the support and safe-housing provided to me through Alice House. 

I arrived at Alice House with my toddler, having left a nearby women’s shelter. This was my third time leaving my abusive partner and seeking refuge. As you know, there are very few affordable housing options in Nova Scotia right now, and even fewer that can accommodate a mom with no credit history, no references, no damage deposit and no time to wait. 

Alice House Holiday Wishlist 2023

'Tis the season of giving, and we're thrilled to invite you to spread joy with Alice House this season!  Each year, we do what we can to ensure our families have their needs and wishes met during the holidays, but we need help from our generous community. This year, we are organizing two ways that you can support our clients during the holiday season: through our Alice House Client Wishlist Sponsorship or Alice House Amazon Wishlist. See below for more information.

Announcement: Welcome, Jill Trites, the new Executive Director of Alice House

Announcement: Welcome, Jill Trites, the new Executive Director of Alice House.

Jill is a seasoned fundraiser and nonprofit leader with nearly a decade of frontline housing experience in both rural and urban contexts. We asked Jill about her new role, values and aspirations. Here’s what she had to say.

“I’m grateful and honoured to join the incredible people standing behind Alice House as we enter an evolving next chapter in our 40th year of operations.

ANNOUNCEMENT | Launching the Alice on the Go: Online Course

Alice on the Go is a self-directed domestic violence prevention and education program that we have been offering for the past couple years, reaching over 130 participants and eight community partners. The Alice House team brought the program to life after clients had identified they want and need access to family violence support and prevention but had barriers to access regular programming such as work, school, childcare, transportation, or timing.

International Women's Day 2022

In 1848, hundreds of people gathered for America’s first women’s rights convention after women were not allowed to speak at an anti-slavery convention. The first IWD took place in 1908, where women protested garment workers’ labour conditions. IWD being recognized on March 8 has ties to the women’s movements that took place during the 1917 Russian Revolution.

Alice House Annual General Meeting 2021

The year of 2020-21 was a year full of challenges and triumphs. Our staff team and Board of Directors pulled together to ensure the essential services provided by Alice House were delivered. The women who call Alice House home showed all of us what true bravery and resilience looks like. This organization and team demonstrated its strength, flexibility, and ingenuity in providing support and services during the most demanding of times; both professionally and personally.


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