Personal Story

Meet Anna: A Story of Resilience and Hope

Two years ago, Anna*, a young mother, found herself isolated and alone, far from her family and any support system. Her ex-partner had systematically cut her off from friends and family, leaving her with no one to turn to when his abuse escalated. Desperate and determined to protect her toddler, Anna made a safety plan and fled to a women's shelter. However, they could only house her for a maximum of six weeks. Facing uncertainty about her next steps, a shelter worker suggested she reach out to Alice House.

I Now Have the Strength

I Now Have the Strength


A mother in her late twenties with one child fled from another province to gain distance from her abuser.   She was on Income Assistance, and was homeless. She wanted to disconnect from her abuser, achieve stability and get off income assistance.

Alice House provided her with her own apartment with enhanced safety features.  She also accessed therapeutic group programing, individual counselling for herself, children's programing, and advocacy and system navigation supports.

Thriving And Extremely Grateful

Thriving And Extremely Grateful

A mother with three children under the age of eight came to our program fleeing a very dangerous partner. He was actively looking for her and threatening her life.  She was eight months pregnant.

Alice House provided a three bedroom townhouse, found furnishings and house-hold items. Helped with groceries, telephone, internet services and all utilities. Her income was less than $1000 a month. 

I am a Lot Stronger Than I Thought Possible

“I learned so much here. I learned to stop blaming myself for his actions. I learned I am a lot stronger than I thought possible. I learned that it’s OK for me to just leave when a situation is making me feel unsafe. I have to deal with my ex because of our daughter. I know now not to try and talk to him while he is angry. I don’t deserve to be talked to the way he talks to me when he is angry. I don’t remember the last time I didn’t feel nervous to come home. Now that I know how much better it feels to have home be a safe place to come home to, I will never let myself live another way.

It's Okay to be a Voice for Yourself

"This program showed me that I was not alone. It helped me accept that trauma was a part of me, not who I was. It helped me grow and know that it is OK to be a voice for yourself and to speak up.  Since taking this program, I have felt something grow inside of me… I think it is acceptance and it feels empowering. I owe that to this program. I wish all women could have a chance to take this program." (Mother, age 42)

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In Her Own Words

In 2008 I left a 10-year abusive relationship. I thank God everyday for being alive.  Not only for my own safety but for my daughter who is no longer afraid.  When I left my abuser, I was in an ambulance unconscious and this was not the first time but thanks to everyone for supporting me, it will be the last. 

It takes a Leap of Courage

Susan is a twenty-five-year-old single mother with an enviable commitment to improving her life and the lives of her two young daughters.  Susan courageously made the decision to leave her abusive partner and seek support from Alice Housing, which provides safe and affordable housing for women and children fleeing family violence. 

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