
Notice Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting 2019 - Date: Wednesday, June 26th, 2019 - Time: 6:30 pm - Place: TBD


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I Now Have the Strength

I Now Have the Strength


A mother in her late twenties with one child fled from another province to gain distance from her abuser.   She was on Income Assistance, and was homeless. She wanted to disconnect from her abuser, achieve stability and get off income assistance.

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Government of Canada announces investment in women's organizations in Canada

Halifax, Nova Scotia - Department for Women and Gender Equality

The Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister of International Development and Minister for Women and Gender Equality, announced the Government of Canada is investing $2.4 million in seven organizations and Indigenous organizations serving women across Nova Scotia. Alice House was one of the seven projects selected for federal funding. Funding amount for $75,728.

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Ultramar Chooses Alice House as its Local Charity Choice 2019

Alice House welcomes 'Charity of the Year' with Ultramar

We were thrilled to receive a call from Brad Feicht, Jr. Application Analyst, Ultramar, Dartmouth Branch, Parkland in early January letting Alice House Executive Director, Heather Byrne know that Alice House would be its charity of choice this year! Ultramar is a community minded organization that contributes to local community non-profits and provides support through workplace campaigns, and heating initiatives and discounts. 

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A Safe Place to call Home

Thank you for your past support this year!  We really couldn’t do it without each and everyone of you. Alice House helps mothers and children to grow and heal leaving stronger than when they arrived.  This past year has been a year of great change, as well as a year of hard work, and great successes. We're thrilled to share our successes with you this year.   Thank you from all of us at Alice House! 

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Thriving And Extremely Grateful

Thriving And Extremely Grateful

A mother with three children under the age of eight came to our program fleeing a very dangerous partner. He was actively looking for her and threatening her life.  She was eight months pregnant.

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We Are All Alice: Changing the Conversation on Intimate Partner Violence

On November 9, 2017, join our host, Cathy Jones; Honorary Chair, Mayor Mike Savage; and special key note speaker Mr. Shan Foster for an educational and inspirational discussion about ending violence against women and girls. This special dinner fundraising event will help raise awareness and much needed funds in support of Alice Housing.

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Churchill quote

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."

– Winston Churchill

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It's Okay to be a Voice for Yourself

"This program showed me that I was not alone. It helped me accept that trauma was a part of me, not who I was. It helped me grow and know that it is OK to be a voice for yourself and to speak up.  Since taking this program, I have felt something grow inside of me… I think it is acceptance and it feels empowering. I owe that to this program.

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It takes a Leap of Courage

Susan is a twenty-five-year-old single mother with an enviable commitment to improving her life and the lives of her two young daughters.  Susan courageously made the decision to leave her abusive partner and seek support from Alice Housing, which provides safe and affordable housing for women and children fleeing family violence. 

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