
Alice House's 2022-2023 Annual Report Now Available Online

We are excited to announce that Alice House's Annual Report for 2022-2023 is now available online! This report encapsulates a year filled with achievements, challenges, and valuable insights that have shaped our mission to provide unwavering support and housing to women and children affected by intimate partner violence.

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“Draw on your inner resources and find who you are”

At Alice House, we take pride in witnessing the transformative healing journeys of women and children who have been exposed to intimate partner violence. In this post, we are sharing the achievements of Sara, a former resident who defied multiple barriers to rebuild her family's life. Sara's story is a testament to her unwavering resilience in the face of adversity.

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Help us win $20,000 to Revamp Back Yards at Alice House!

As the warmer weather approaches, the Alice House community is excitedly preparing for the summer. Our friends at CanadaHelps are helping us kick off the season with an incredible contest: the Great Canadian Giving Challenge.

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ANNOUNCEMENT | Executive Director

After 8+ incredible years with Alice House, it is with mixed emotions we announce that our Executive Director, Heather Byrne is leaving Alice House. Heather stepped into the role in August 2014 and has been a force for good in the intimate partner violence and gender-based violence field ever since. 

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National Consent Awareness Week 2022

"When consent is not understood and respected, the epidemic of sexual violence continues." 
- Possibility Seeds and the Courage to Act Project

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ANNOUNCEMENT | Launching the Alice on the Go: Online Course

Alice on the Go is a self-directed domestic violence prevention and education program that we have been offering for the past couple years, reaching over 130 participants and eight community partners.

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The Homefront Model: An Event by Alice House

On June 23, 2022, we were thrilled to host our friends and partners from Calgary, Alberta to learn more about the HomeFront Model. The HomeFront Model is an evidence-based response to domestic violence; the team spoke with us about what the model is and how data and evaluation had led to improved client and system outcomes. As well, participants were given tools and res

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Announcing our June 2022 Matching Campaign

Safety and security are paramount in our work.

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International Women's Day 2022

In 1848, hundreds of people gathered for America’s first women’s rights convention after women were not allowed to speak at an anti-slavery convention. The first IWD took place in 1908, where women protested garment workers’ labour conditions. IWD being recognized on March 8 has ties to the women’s movements that took place during the 1917 Russian Revolution.

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